Baker Tilly South East Europe and Revita Turnarounds Ltd are pleased to announce that they have entered into a strategic alliance, marking the beginning of a new era in insolvency solutions.
The launch of this pivotal partnership is a bold statement of the two firms’ shared commitment to delivering unparalleled solutions and expert insolvency services to businesses navigating insolvency challenges. By combining their strengths, Baker Tilly South East Europe and Revita Turnarounds Ltd are poised to provide comprehensive support and innovative strategies tailored to each client’s needs, aiming to guide businesses back to recovery.
The firms’ shared values of integrity, expertise, and client-centric approach ensure that this partnership will yield exceptional outcomes for businesses and stakeholders alike, transforming the landscape of insolvency services through unparalleled expertise, client centred approaches and collaborative innovation.
Mr. Savvas Klitou, Regional Managing Partner of Baker Tilly South East Europe, commented: “We are excited to announce a strategic partnership with Revita Turnaround Ltd, aimed at delivering innovative and comprehensive insolvency solutions. By leveraging our expertise alongside Revita’s specialized strategies, we are committed to helping businesses in South East Europe overcome financial challenges and achieve financial stability.”
Mr. Socratis E. Socratous, Managing Director of Revita Turnarounds Ltd, commented: “We are very happy to launch this collaboration with Baker Tilly and we are committed to ensuring its success through hard work, adhering to strict business ethics and life values. If we move forward together as a strong team with a common vision, it is inevitable that we will exceed expectations in our pursuit of excellence and success.”
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